• Tri-Quiz
    Puzzle on Evaluating Algebraic Expressions

    In math class, currently we are learning about algebraic expressions. Our teacher made an activity to make us understand it more easier. We are told to make a puzzle (handmade) with a algebraic expression on it. I don't made the puzzle  by my own, i took the puzzle from the internet. We should decorate it by our self. The puzzle is like this, we have to answer the algebraic expression and we should match the word with the answer. This is my question : I have holes in my top and bottom, my left and right, and in the middle. But i still hold water. What am i ?. sorry no answer

    My attitude or my profile on doing this project. Well, i think i'm independence because i do it by my self. i don't ask my friend, parents or my sister. I need to be more patient to do this project because i do it as fast as i can so, some are misspelled and i need to redo it again. I need to listen what my teacher said because i mess up the work.
    things i learn in this project is i need to be more careful on writing and i need to be more patient and hear whats the instruction of the teacher.  

    My First Chapter Test Reflection

    On the first chapter in Mathematics subject, i have learned  about LCM ( least common multiple), HCF ( highest common factor), prime factor, and many more. After many weeks of studying, we finally had a assessment. We are asked to come one by one to view our result of assessment. When i saw my scored, i surprised because i get 80. My wrong answer was a super silly mistake i forgot to add 19 and miscalculate some problem.

    I know my mistake is, i'm in a rush when doing some test because i want to be the first who finish the test but it is not a thing to get a score in the assessment. i realized that i must be concentrate and not in a rush when doing something that can cost a silly mistake.

    My teacher give our class a second chance to do another test to improve our scored. From the two test, our score will be compared and take the one with the highest score. On the second chance test i tried to concentrate well.

    Our second chance test is finally checked and my score is 85, it was a disaster because one problem had been reminded by my teacher that it is wrong and one of the problem i'm lazy to count and it was a mistake. But a failure is a key to success and i will work harder to be succes in Math subject.  

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